Saturday, April 18, 2015

Insomnia? Why?

Insomnia is difficulty sleeping sickness that fills most of your energy. If this condition continues, will eventually ruin the mood, health and your ability to move normally. You become easily tired and dispirited in the daytime.The main symptoms of insomnia include: 
1. It is difficult to fall asleep even in conditions of fatigue.
2. Waking up in the middle of the night's rest. 
3. Difficult back asleep when it woke up.
4. Getting enough sleep but woke up with a tired body.
5. Taking sleeping pills or alcohol to sleep.
6. Waking up too early in the morning. 
7. Feeling sleepy during the day, fatigue or easy emotion. 
8. It is difficult to concentrate during the day

Insomnia can be short, but they could last for a long time and occurs continuously. Insomnia can be caused by psychological disorders, side effects of medications, comorbidities, and sleep disorders.Psychological disorders that may cause insomnia include depression, anxiety, chronic stress, bipolar disorder, and psychological trauma. In addition, consumption of antidepressants, medications containing alcohol, painkillers that contain caffeine, corticosteroids, thyroid hormone. And drugs lowering high blood pressure, are other factors that can increase the risk of insomnia.While comorbidities that affect the sleep cycle, causing insomnia include asthma, allergies, Parkinson's disease, hyperthyroidism, acid reflux, kidney disease, cancer and other chronic diseases. In addition, a disease associated with activities such as sleep apnea, narcolepsy can also cause insomnia problems.

To overcome the problem of insomnia, do this:
  1. Stop taking sleeping pills because it can further damage the sleep patterns.
  2. The consumption of caffeine during the day.
  3. Note eating habits and sleeping hours to analyze patterns of sleep and begin repairs. 
  4. Environment for sleep or bedroom quiet, dark and cool. Sound, light and heat can disrupt sleep. Try wearing earplugs or sound support, blindfold and put dark curtains.
  5. Obey sleep schedule and the same hour every day.
  6. Avoid habit of napping. Even if they had a nap, limit the time to no more than 30 minutes before 3pm.
  7. Avoid doing activities that make the brain depressed before bed, such as watching television, eating, to playing games. Replace it by listening to soft music.
  8. Do not read from the phone or tablet screen in the dark.   
  9. Besides caffeine, avoiding nicotine and also the consumption of liquor in the evening.
  10. Prepare brain to sleep with a lot bathed in natural light during the day and confine light in the evenings.
  11. Use bedroom only for sleep and sex, not for other activities.
  12. Currently can not sleep, do not push yourself to remain in bed. Move the location where you are and do relaxing activities such as drinking caffeine-free tea, bath to listen to music. When drowsiness back, you can go back to bed.
  13. Avoid looking a clock that can be seen from where you lie down so that you do not constantly look at the clock.
  14. Train relaxation techniques like breathing from the belly as she closed her eyes and took a breath from the nose is then removed from the mouth. In addition to abdominal breathing, muscle relaxation techniques can also be done by tightening the leg muscles for 10 seconds before removing to proceed to the collection of other muscles in the body.

Good luck. start from now and welcome sleep tight. (AM).


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